July 5, 2021
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Utilizing Garden Produce

Utilizing Garden Produce

The utilization of all that great produce from your garden is why you go
through the trouble of growing a garden in the first place. Once that
production of food stops you long for that season to begin again so you do not
have to make trips to the store for fresh vegetables.

Here below you can see me frying squash, Lemon boy and cherry tomatoes. I
tried lightly battered and egg batter to find my preference was lightly
battered fried vegetables not double dipped in egg batter.

 I made some salsa numerous times as
you can dress up many dishes with salsa as well as use as dips for chips as you
watch TV.

I made a salad of squash, cucumber, Swiss chard, lemon boy, black pearl,
yellow pear beef eater and early girl tomatoes. I added in some sweet onions,
mushrooms not from the garden and then basil, rosemary, tarragon and chives
from the garden. I then put some salmon over the salad and dresses it with
white balsamic dressing.

Another way I always utilize my garden produce is making teas and today I
gathered up my herbs of mint, basil, sage, lemon thyme, rosemary, I forgot my
stevia this time, but it still came out just fine. I had a little warm and put
the rest into a container in the refrigerator and indulge that for a few days.
That nice clean refreshing taste is something I long for now.

So many ways to use what I have in the garden, and I still have not even
made the pizza sauce as I did last year or used my food storage device.

Today I had my first cucumbers of the season and habanero peppers as well.
The habanero peppers kicked the salsa up a few notches with the jalapeno and
serrano peppers and the cucumbers were refreshing with the salad.

July 4, 2021
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Delicious July 4th Mini Meatloaves

Delicious July 4th Mini Meatloaves

I didn’t want a long smoke today so I thought for a while about what ingredients I had that would make something fast and easy then decided on meatloaf. I didn’t want to deal with leftovers and get up early due to planning on working on projects late into the nights this weekend. I had bought ground beef planning on burgers but wanted something more to go along with vegetables.

I started looking up meatloaf recipes and came across several I thought would be good but settled on this one: https://gimmesomegrilling.com/mini-smoked-meatloaf/.

Since I don’t have oats and wanted to use them instead of breadcrumbs I used some Quaker Instant oat meal (an opportunity to use an item that will help me clear space in my kitchen pantry) with strawberry flavors. It was delicious even with that hint of strawberry flavor from the instant oatmeal. This will now be a go to for me in my bag of BBQ recipes.

June 23, 2021
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Flower Garden Looking Good Vegetable Garden Productive

Flower Garden Looking Good Vegetable Garden Productive

Earlier this week I clipped my rose bushes and did some weeding in the front yard and the flowers are looking spiffy, plus my vegetable garden is producing! I have a bunch of “Lemon Boy tomatoes” “Red Cherry Husky tomatoes”, “Beef Eater tomatoes”, zucchini squash and Ichiban eggplants.

I roasted the eggplants and some tomatoes on the gas grill to go with Ahi Tuna and “skirt steak”. One night and then for lunch another Ahi Tuna steak.Then made some Pico De Gallo from some of the tomatoes.

June 14, 2021
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Took Down Virtual Environment for Storage Maintenance

Took Down Virtual Environment for Storage Maintenance

I had a storage alarm on my storage array start screaming today because it lost power to one of its redundant power supplies plus had slight temperature high reading on CPU #1. I found out that the power supply without any power was going to one of my UPS’ I utilize for my workstations and not my servers so switched that to the proper UPS and that worked.

That power supply was not connected to the protected battery side of that UPS outlets. I will look at why the UPS switched modes on me later but since its only for workstations and nothing else was plugged into that unprotected side of the UPS.

I decided to take the storage arrays down and blow the dust out of them since they have had a very long up time of several months. I had one of the fiber cables hang up and I had to get a small screwdriver to disconnect it, then putting them back in I had to realign the rails of my rack to make them go back in and not knock the cove back of my main storage chassis and cause an intrusion alert.

I found it was really good to login on IPMI on my Supermicro motherboard to view the sensor data before and after cleaning up my chassis. Just looking now there’s a wide disparity between my CPU #1 and #2 temperatures so I will plan a maintenance window and make sure that the heat sinks are seated properly and reapply heat sink compound. I was able to observe the fans look fine and blew the fins of my heat sinks out so the airflow looks fine.

Once the storage array came back up I checked the connections were on the proper networks and XCP-ng could see the paths to my storage and brought my VM’s back up as you can see since this site is back up. My music stream stayed up since the streaming server and the relay server are 2 separate physical servers. That’s all for tonight!

My main storage array systems internals.

June 13, 2021
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Pico De Gallo From the Garden With Chicken Tacos

Pico De Gallo From the Garden With Chicken Tacos

My tomatoes are increasing in production and being anxious to devour my garden produce today I decided to make some Pico De Gallo. I found a nice recipe online that was simple and delicious. I made it all from items in my garden except the onions, garlic and I used lemon juice instead of lime juice.

I used mostly my Lemon Boy tomatoes and some cherry husky red tomatoes from my garden plus cilantro and, jalapenos. I cooked my chicken on my gas grill in on of my Corningware dishes which is way quicker than doing it in my oven in the house and doesn’t heat the house up. I have to say I will be making this Pico De Gallo a lot as it came out very well!

I must give props to where I found this delicious yet simple recipe:


Pico De Gallo from the garden tomatoes, cilantro and jalapenos with my last taco of the evening.

June 10, 2021
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Slugs in Garden Like Beer

Slugs in Garden Like Beer

Picked up a snail trap product that uses beer as bait for my garden and it immediately started working once setup. I placed this trap called Slug X from Garland in place put some beer in the traps then went inside and looked up reviews and usage. 15 minutes later I decided to go and top off the 2 slug traps and the slug trap near my tomato plants already had a slug moving up the outside of the container. I went inside to get my phone to take a picture and that fast enough he slug had moved inside seeking the beer.

I really hope this continues to work this well as I just put some slug pellets down 2 days ago. I found these Slug X snail traps at the Habitat for Humanity store here In Sacramento.

Slug X snail trap near green leafy vegetables.
Slug X snail trap near tomato plants.
Inners of Slug X slug trap with first customer after just 10 or 15 minutes being in place.

June 5, 2021
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Saturday Music to Workout or Chill With

Saturday Music to Workout or Chill With

I am going to workout and then just chill and putting together a mixture of music for both situations.

A little NWA, Too Nice, Public Enemy, Chris Brown, Nu Shooz, Debbie Deb, Gunna Young Thug, Jill Scott and others.

Time to hit it!

June 5, 2021
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Backyard Oasis and Garden Bounty Trickle

Backyard Oasis and Garden Bounty Trickle

So much in this little backyard space but made it my little oasis by design with the garden, pool, strips of grass and BBQ pits. Nothing like doing a little gardening and then taking a dip in the pool and doing something quick on the gas grill or slow on one of the BBQ pits. Then either way sipping a cold beverage in the shade or poolside.

15 years with this and still going though I would love more room for a workshop and my boats plus other vehicles I would like plus storage for when going to auctions. Added the solar a couple of years ago and now have a nice energy credit so I have lowered my energy footprint and I’m somewhat self-sustainable, definitely not burdening the electric grid and producing some of my own foods.

I’m growing collard greens, okra, carrots, beets (once I get the seedlings in the ground), Swiss Chard, raspberries, grapes, white, black and Ichiban eggplants, mixed greens, lemon thyme, parsley, yellow squash, zucchini squash,sweet basil, purple basil, mad hatter peppers, Serrano peppers, habanero peppers, bell peppers, chili peppers, ancho chili peppers, Cilantro, chives, green onions, yellow onions, Mexican tarragon, chamomile, mint, sage, rosemary, yellow pear tomatoes, black plum tomatoes, Early girl tomatoes, Lemon boy tomatoes, husky red cherry tomatoes, peas, beans, red ghost peppers and lunch box orange sweet peppers.

I need to make a special place for asparagus that can grow yearly and not overturn that part of the garden.

Well time for some vittles with slices of garden tomatoes and then perhaps a dip into the pool. Then will make some tea from my garden herbs later.

Lemon 🍋 Boy Hybrid tomatoes 🍅.
Picked today 06/05/2021 Swiss Chard, Lemon Boy Tomatoes, one Husky Cherry Red Tomato and zucchini squash.
PVC trellis for raspberry and grape vines to climb over with squash. cucumbers, Swiss chard, peppers, mixed greens in the foreground plus gourmet collards against the fence.
The weekly work of picking weeds out of the vegetable gardens. This is about half of a 5 gallon bucket.
Putting some liquid feed fertilizer on drip systems so it feeds my garden every time it waters. Love this setup and its been in place since I built the garden.
West part of the garden. Notice I keep my herbs in the front so that I can walk out right before dinner and clip with little effort.
Ichiban Eggplants growing like crazy. I haven’t planted this variety in a number of years.
Parsley and Ichiban eggplant.
Look close enough and you can see dozens of habanero peppers getting bigger and a lot more blooms about to turn into habanero peppers.
Chili peppers getting strong.
Herbs to the front! Showing Mints, purple and sweet basil, chives not see are right behind them with tarragon barely visible to the right and parsley to the left.
Serrano peppers thriving next to biggies in the garden grape and squash vines.
Part of the herb tea collective chamomile, Mexican tarragon and more mint. Cilantro is to the left.
Early girl tomato starting to ripen.
Purple basil coming up from a seed from last years plants.
Letting beans run and take over Swiss chard going to seed.
Sage holding its spot in the garden.
Peas in their pods.