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December 12, 2023
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Bounced Site for XCP-ng VM Host Server Updates

Bounced Site for XCP-ng VM Host Server Updates

I had a plethora of patches to update on my XCP-ng systems and I ended up having to restart the toolstacks on my systems. I started on my slave server restarting my “XCP-ng toolstack” which caused issues as it could … Continue reading Continue reading

May 28, 2022
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Performed OS Security Updates Entire Site and WordPress

Performed OS Security Updates Entire Site and WordPress

Updated my Linux webserver. Windows streaming server( and relay server plus systems that do things internal to my environment. It’s always good to keep up with the latest security as much as possible. I also backed up my WordPress … Continue reading Continue reading

May 3, 2022
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Rebuilt Zoneminder Got Shinobi up and Updated Web SSL Certificates on Site

Rebuilt Zoneminder Got Shinobi up and Updated Web SSL Certificates on Site

Not sure what was occurring with my Zoneminder CCTV but it seemed my database was corrupt or had issues authenticating with my streams periodically over the past week especially one camera. Then today they all went dark and Zoneminder couldn’t … Continue reading Continue reading

March 4, 2022
by dhoytt
Comments Off on System Updates System Updates

I updated my Linux web server, my W2019 Data Center music streaming server, my Linux IceCast and ShoutCast streaming servers with the latest security patches. I also updated several other backgrounds servers. I also updated the CMS WordPress to … Continue reading Continue reading

September 28, 2021
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Moved to New Web Server

Moved to New Web Server

I created a new Linux web server and moved over to it so that I could use the latest versions of applications like PHP, MariaDB, Apache etc. without over modifying my source repositories for updates. I went from Centos 7 … Continue reading Continue reading

July 24, 2021
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Fedora Workstation Crashes Possibly Resolved/ Updates of XCP-ng Packages

Fedora Workstation Crashes Possibly Resolved/ Updates of XCP-ng Packages

Well my Fedora 33 workstation desktop kept freezing and crashing whether I used KDE Plasma, Cinnamon, MATE or Gnome desktop environments. I suspected my Nvidia Quadro K1200 drivers and wa going to really dive into that when I had time. … Continue reading Continue reading