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June 19, 2023
by dhoytt
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Updating Relay Server Switching to Backup Brief Music Stream Interruptions

I am updating music relay server up several versions of OS from Fedora 34 to Fedora 38 and moving the streams over to a backup VM\server already at Fedora 38. I have to make sure certificates are in place for SSL change streams from music server to this server and some items in the router […] Continue reading

February 3, 2023
by dhoytt
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Music Streams Down Temporarily

I chose to keep the music streams down while I perform some system maintenance after some infrastructure issues I had earlier this week due to a power fluctuation. Took me a while to come up with a viable workaround while I determined the actual issues. Being under the weather with little sleep earlier this week […] Continue reading

October 2, 2021
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Music Relay Streams Available to Connect After Update

Music Relay Streams Available to Connect After Update

I’m back up and streaming it took a little longer as I had to boot up off an old kernel due to some issues I will investigate later. Let’s se how more memory allocated to the music relay streams for IceCast and ShoutCast work for performance and quali… Continue reading

October 2, 2021
by dhoytt
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Updating Memory on Relay Streaming Server\VM

I am increasing the memory on my relay server on my XCP-Ng hypervisor I use to stream the music, and this will require a reboot. While the system reboots no one will be able to connect with the music streams though the songs will continue playing and the website will not go down. The increased […] Continue reading

April 25, 2021
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Updated Linux Music Relay Server

Updated Linux Music Relay Server

I updated the Linux server that hosts ShoutCast and IceCast relays and caused a brief stream outage. This server also hosts my CCTV and one of my Plex Media servers both which I updated the versions on as well with … Continue reading Continue reading

December 12, 2020
by dhoytt
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Update Centos8 Relay Server

Doing and update for my Centos8 Linux server’s OS and will be rebooting and temporarily not streaming music. This server hosts my IceCast and ShoutCast streams. Since my relay server would be down I decided to install the Security updates … Continue reading Continue reading