June 19, 2022
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Medley Garden Dishes

Medley Garden Dishes

The past few weeks I have been swamped but enjoying many quick dishes with produce from my garden here’s a few down below. The tea is exceptionally good! The salads and quick toppings for tacos and sandwiches never gets old.

I really hate when my garden stops producing for the year because there’s no where to reliably get things like pear tomatoes and the meatiness of the tomatoes you grow in a garden. Swiss chard I have year round. Peppers once they start go well into the winter here in Northern California along with collard greens which get sweet with the cold chill.

June 7, 2022
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Tuesday Thumping Workout Beats

Tuesday Thumping Workout Beats

Just lined up a Thumping eclectic mix of music to workout to!

I’m not even going to hint at who is in this list because I have to get my workout in before its too late! There will be a a heavy does of old school hip-hop though I will tell you that much but also some Metal, Pop, Reggae…just a gumbo mix of sounds ending with some mellow late night sounds.

Listen with me:

Click here to view what music is playing currently

May 28, 2022
by dhoytt
Comments Off on 2022 Memorial Day Weekends Sounds

2022 Memorial Day Weekends Sounds

Well didn’t feel like getting out on the waterways during a Memorial Day weekend so I’m just going to chill with some tunes in a cleaned house.

I ‘m already into some music manipulation from earlier today to get newer sounds all through the mix more often but then wanted to hear more selected sounds going further back.

So this is what I have as I burn the incense and play artist like: Mary J. Blige, Cypress Hill, Biz Markie, Philthy Rich, Stand Atlantic, Future, Journey and so many more!

May 28, 2022
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Performed OS Security Updates Entire Site and WordPress

Performed OS Security Updates Entire Site and WordPress

Updated my Linux webserver. Windows streaming server( https://dhoytt.com/snake-ice-radio-blog/now-playing/) and relay server plus systems that do things internal to my environment. It’s always good to keep up with the latest security as much as possible. I also backed up my WordPress database and updated that to the latest 6.0 version along with all associated plugins and themes.

May 25, 2022
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Updated SSL Certificates on Site Players

Updated SSL Certificates on Site Players

I updated the ssl certificates with my dhoytt.com site certificates so you can stream from the website using my embedded players. I updated my overall site certificates earlier this month but failed to point stunnel the secure utility I use to keep you safe to my new certificate. Now all my embedded players here on dhoytt.com will play in your secure browsers and applications.

Find a button anywhere on my site like the one above and hit play to listen to my stream. The player above plays at 320kbps. There are several like this at various bit rates on the sidebars of my site that will play 192kbps, 128kbps or 64kbps. You can choose a ShoutCast or IceCast then they will stream securely in your browser or audio application.

If you want to drop the url in your stream use one of these secure URL’s in your favorite audio streaming application:

ShoutCast secure:

IceCast secure:

Now if your application or browser doesn't handle ssl you can use the following:



May 22, 2022
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Fantastic Tri-Tip

Fantastic Tri-Tip

Wanted a nice quick cook this weekend but something substantial so bought a package of 2 small tri-tip pieces of beef. I just cooked one of the tri-tips out of the package to try out a slightly different cooking method on my Trager Silverton 620.

Today I took the tri-tip out of the fridge rubbed it down with peanut oil,I then used a dry brine of coarse kosher salt, brown sugar and coarse black pepper in a gallon plastic bag for about an hour letting it hit closer to room temperature. During that time I had the Traeger grill all heated up @ 225 degrees Fahrenheit. I washed the brine off after an hour and rubbed the tri-tip with my custom beef rub and a sprinkling of a commercial steak blend. I placed the tri-tip on a pan I like to use to make cleaning a breeze that has raised grills and was sprayed with canola oil.

Sticking to a simple quick cook I placed a whole peeled red onion, some asparagus and a potato in with the tri-tip. After the tri-tip hit 125 degrees Fahrenheit I hit it with some apple juice and butter mix and 10 minutes in foil. I heated up my gas grill and after it reached temperature right around 500 degrees plus Fahrenheit (the gauge isn’t reliable) I put the potato in foil on the gas grill, then did a quick sear on the tri-tip about 2 minutes per side, then placed it back in the Traeger @ 225 for another 10 minutes in foil. I then took the ti-tip out and let it rest for about 40 minutes and in that time it reached 138 internal degrees. I rolled my potato over a few times and then placed it back in with the asparagus and onion on the Trager to keep warm.

The tri-tip was super tender and tasty and the asparagus had that nice smoked taste along with the red onion and the potato was nice topped with chives from my garden, butter and sour cream. I also have a special tri-tip sauce I make with Worcestershire, butter, olive oil, garlic. dry mustard and some other ingredients. The tri-tip was special with the sauce or without the sauce. I will be making this my go to tri-tip process and may try this with veggies again as well.

Tri-tip, potato, red onion, asparagus ready for the grill.
Ingredients on my Trager Silverton 620 starting up.
Another view of ingredients on Trager Silverton 620.
Everything’s ready!
Tri-tip with smoke ring and showing how juicy it is.
Time to eat!

May 14, 2022
by dhoytt
Comments Off on System Updates Stream

System Updates Stream

A few updates where due in the music stream so decided to update the Windows 2019 data center OS that hosts the music application Sam Broadcaster and the music stream relay OS on Linux Fedora that hosts IceCast and ShoutCast streams with the stunnel as well.

So far everything looks good and will be up in about 15 minutes if not sooner from the time of this post.

May 6, 2022
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Pulled Pork Dishes

Pulled Pork Dishes

Did half of a pork shoulder last weekend that I had vacuum sealed earlier this year and it turned out great! Just fell apart when I pushed it with my fork even though It only went to 185 farenheit internally. I used some Desi Ghee clarified butter, honey and my custom mix of spice rub. I made some Swiss Chard slaw for the first nigt over Hawaiian rolls and it was delicous. The subsequent nights I made some tacos, for breakfast some pulled pork, potoes and eggs.

Tonight I topped it off my pulled pork week making some pulled pork hush puppies with shrimp, peppers, onions and cheddar cheese, fried in peanut oil wow! The hush puppies will be a favorite now going forward!

May 3, 2022
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Rebuilt Zoneminder Got Shinobi up and Updated Web SSL Certificates on Site

Rebuilt Zoneminder Got Shinobi up and Updated Web SSL Certificates on Site

Not sure what was occurring with my Zoneminder CCTV but it seemed my database was corrupt or had issues authenticating with my streams periodically over the past week especially one camera. Then today they all went dark and Zoneminder couldn’t talk to any of the cameras.

I started getting errors like the following for all streams :

Can't open memory map file /dev/shm/zm.mmap

Then the management UI gave me this error after I tried to restart Zoneminder:

ZoneMinder Error
Unable to connect to ZM db using dsn mysql:host=localhost;dbname=zm

SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused

ZoneMinder will retry connection in 26 seconds.

The mariadb logs gave me the following errors:

2022-05-02 10:47:55 0 [ERROR] mysqld: Server GSSAPI error (major 851968, minor 2529639093) : gss_acquire_cred failed -Unspecified GSS failure.

2022-05-02 10:47:55 0 [Warning] mysqld: GSSAPI plugin : default principal 'mariadb/coral@' not found in keytab
2022-05-02 10:47:55 0 [ERROR] mysqld: Server GSSAPI error (major 851968, minor 2529639093) : gss_acquire_cred failed -Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more information. Keytab FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab is nonexistent or empty.

I hadn’t really did anything except updated the OS Rocky Linux a Centos 8 fork the day before and I checked that it didn’t update Zoneminder but maybe it did some where along the line because it said it was at 3.8.12 and the Zoneminder database was still at 3.8.6. The update script (zmupdate.pl) failed with DB user authentication errors as well.

I tried a number of quick remedies before I decided to just drop the Zoneminder database and start over but was still having issues so I uninstalled Zoneminder and attempted to reinstall using the repositories and proceeded to get another list of errors and issues:

 Problem 1: package zoneminder-httpd-1.36.12-1.el8.x86_64 requires zoneminder-common(x86-64) = 1.36.12-1.el8, but none of the providers can be installed
  - conflicting requests
  - nothing provides perl(DateTime) needed by zoneminder-common-1.36.12-1.el8.x86_64
  - nothing provides perl(Data::UUID) needed by zoneminder-common-1.36.12-1.el8.x86_64
 Problem 2: package zoneminder-1.36.12-1.el8.x86_64 requires zoneminder-common(x86-64) = 1.36.12-1.el8, but none of the providers can be installed
  - conflicting requests
  - nothing provides perl(DateTime) needed by zoneminder-common-1.36.12-1.el8.x86_64
  - nothing provides perl(Data::UUID) needed by zoneminder-common-1.36.12-1.el8.x86_64
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)
[root@coral log]#

I ended up having to install/enable the powertools repo:

dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools

Once everything was up and installed and Zoneminder was running the services without crashing again I still had to get in the mariadb cli and correct the mysql password user I had been going back and forth changing to the correct password. Then I was in Zoneminder again able to recreate all my priors sources except one. I have two Speco cameras and there’s no way to hard reset or otherwise reset the password to factory settings. I’m fairly certain I have the right passwords but both cameras initially wouldn’t let me in. Then one camera let me in using the password I knew, and I created another admin user so I set that camera source up just fine in Zoneminder along with my other 4 cameras. The other Speco camera just would not let me in and the other Speco I had created the other user with suddenly would let me login but kick me out unless I used the new user. I ran into this behavior a few times with the Speco cameras and this time I’m ordering another camera that will be here later today through Amazon with much better resolution. I’ll put the new camera in see how it performs and maybe upgrade others afterwards. The Speco gives good resolution in night conditions so if the new camera matches that with more robust features I will go that route.

In parallel while looking through Zoneminder forums and ultimately the Zoneminder wiki on starting fresh I downloaded and configured Shinobi CCTV on the same Rocky Linux system and pointed it to the storage area I use for storing Zoneminder events. I had looked into Shinobi about 4 or 5 years ago and ran it in parallel with Zoneminder and testing it back then. Shinobi is much improved! The camera source URL’s aren’t out there for you to see easily any longer plus its fairly intuitive in comparison with Zoneminder, I just have some familiarity with Zoneminder now.

Shinobi did have some issues with the stream of the Speco camera I was able to configure with Zoneminder and I stopped there as Zoneminder was responsive now and I had other things to do like eat and minor domestic stuff in the kitchen plus caught some of the games on TV.

I then went to my dhoytt.com site and was hit with the web certificate being out of date as of today. I went to Godaddy downloaded the certs and in 10 minutes had the new ones in place.

What a Monday I thought would be relaxing and making progress on other things. Oh well that’s how it goes sometimes!

So Zoneminder is back up will evaluate Shinobi some more and my web certificates are up to date on my site. I will incorporate newer cameras into the mix and I also need to look into the release notes of Zoneminder as I noticed some new authentication methods with streams so maybe that tripped me up. Bedtime is here!

April 9, 2022
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Awesome Front Yard Roses 2022

Awesome Front Yard Roses 2022

The front yard small as it may be is looking great due to the roses. Each year certain bushes always produce well. Other years some rose bushes produce more than other years. This year the yellow rose bush is more prolific early than it has ever been. The blooms are even larger on the yellow roses. The white roses by the fence and the long stem red roses by the door continue to produce beautiful flowers every year. My pink roses on the other side of the garden haven’t been as plentiful the past 2 years but the hybrid purple roses behind them are growing and popping out more flowers this year. I gave them a nice feeding of slow release fertilizer and a mix to fight off insects like aphids so they will continue nice and healthy this year. I put down some more black bark down earlier this week to keep weeds out and sets the flowers off nicely with that background.
Night time shot of roses earlier this week in the evening after putting the black bark down.
Full shot of the roses in the front. The way the homes are configured the grass or white rocks in the front aren’t mine or they would be looking different.