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Done Changing Garden Borders Front Yard


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The past weeks one of my many projects I have been completing as I get the proper materials is changing my front yard garden borders from using faux wooden posts that had started to fade and deteriorate to stone pavers. I first wanted to put up some real stone in chunks. I searched different landscape and stone yards for some interesting stones then concluded it would have been possible but quite a bit of work with the different sizes of widths, length and thicknesses, then setting them in place would take some minor trenching and concrete work. Had this been my only major project going right now I may have gone the real rock option for my garden borders.

I was also shopping all the specialty landscaping rock yards and ended up with the pavers I really wanted from the Home Depot a couple of miles from me.

For the longest straight stretch of border in line with my fence I ended up leveling the ground pulling roots from a tree I had chopped down moving a portion of my drip system near the border as well as relocating some flowers right on the borders edge.

I then set the stones pavers in place on top of a plastic paver retention bracket, used landscape adhesive to hold them then applied a landscape adhesive to the second layer of pavers and the first layer.

For the other section I ended up using bend board edging underneath the pavers I had to search for and got from Green Acres Garden center. I didn’t apply adhesive between the bend board edging and the bottom pavers since the sidewalk will hold them in place with the force of the soil and bark cover. I did apply landscaping adhesive between the bottom and upper layer of pavers though. Having that bend board edging and retention brackets underneath the pavers will prevent the pavers from unevenly sinking into the soil down the road. The bend board serves a separate role of adding height to almost match the concrete steps to my front door.

Here’s some pictures:

The front garden with deteriorated faux wooden borders.
Bend board stretched sine it had been on a 20 foot roll. I used 30 pound dumbbells each end overnight in backyard.
Bend board edging getting cut with pavers in place temporally before placing them on bend board edging.
Completed sidewalk stretch.
Completed stretch lining up with fence border.

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