April 13, 2023
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Getting Backyard and Garden in Shape

Getting Backyard and Garden in Shape

After all the storms, getting the fences back up plus other projects still in flight getting the backyard and vegetable garden in shape.

March 19, 2023
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Fishing Poles Racked Spatchcock Chicken Dinner

Fishing Poles Racked Spatchcock Chicken Dinner

Was able to get most of my fishing rods off the garage floor. The large surf rods I ended up breaking them down in half. I also got my most used rods closer to the ground. I still have some work to do to get my stragglers plus my telescopic rods I’ll just hang off hooks.

Now getting ready for a late Sunday evening dinner with a spatchcock chicken. I did a brine with orange zest, rosemary, apple juice, salt and pepper. Then after washing the brine off today seasoned with butter, garlic, paprika, salt and pepper under the skin and on the skin.

February 3, 2023
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Music Streams Down Temporarily

Music Streams Down Temporarily

I chose to keep the music streams down while I perform some system maintenance after some infrastructure issues I had earlier this week due to a power fluctuation. Took me a while to come up with a viable workaround while I determined the actual issues. Being under the weather with little sleep earlier this week also delayed the troubleshooting.

I’m currently moving my relay server to a new storage repository after the one it was on was corrupted shared from my FreeNAS system. Strangely enough the relay server seemed to be the only VM not previously affected by the corruption but after a reboot of the storage with a new disk and then bringing it up it had some filesystem corruption. I decided I will migrate it to a temporary new storage repository in my XCP-ng and then bring it up and fix the filesystem.

Will be back streaming soon and have the full story of this crash and the many steps to get back up and how the subsequent in motion reconfiguration and making the infrastructure more resilient at https://dhoytt.com/mainblog/.

January 8, 2023
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Music Interruption Due to Atmospheric River Storm

Music Interruption Due to Atmospheric River Storm

After a power outage due to Atmospheric River Storms in west and in California my music server was down for a while even after the power came back up. One of the power supplies in my C7000 chassis didn’t allow all of my blade servers to come up right away since it didn’t come online right away. The power supply finally cam up along with the music server on that blade. I’ll need to replace that power supply as that’s the second time this has happened in the recent storms. This also happened New Year’s Eve 2023.

January 8, 2023
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Site Down Temporarily Due to Atmospheric River Storm

Site Down Temporarily Due to Atmospheric River Storm

During the “Atmospheric River” storms here out west in California I lost house power where I run my systems. I have not established a geographical fall over for these sites when my home systems go down as it hasn’t been a priority. I do have some pages setup but I haven’t visited that in a while.

After the power was restored one of my power supplies in my C7000 chassis didn’t come up. Due to that power supply not coming up I couldn’t bring up all my server blades online. I chose to keep my music server off and let my 2 blades I use for virtual systems to stay up though I didn’t bring the virtual servers online. My NAS storage came up just fine once again as well. I decided to take care of things like lining up estimates on damaged fencing instead and then watched some football.

Coming back into my computer room this evening I noticed the music streaming system booted up and the power supply was back online. This is the second time this happened, the last time being the prior storm on New Years Eve that took power out. I’ll pick up a couple of spare c7000 110v (398026-001) power supplies that I have already run down from a local source.

Outside of that back up and running as usual.

December 16, 2022
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Friday Frenzied Workout Music

Friday Frenzied Workout Music

Taking a nice measured workout and needed some music to go along with it that’s going to carry me through some crunches, leg raise push ups calisthenics aerobic type workout with treadmill at the end.

Going to include artists like Beyonce, Silk Sonic, Ready For The World, The Neville Brothers, Linkin Park and many others.

December 9, 2022
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Rack of Lamb Smoked

Rack of Lamb Smoked

I wanted to smoke this rack of lamb Sunday or the beginning of the week but couldn’t get to it .

Turned out very good and I will be doing this again. I rubbed down with olive oil, then rubbed on salt, pepper, a little garlic and sprinkle of cumin.

For sides eggplants, poblano peppers, tomatoes sprinkles of rosemary from the garden, smoked along with the rack of lamb.

I used my Meater block meat probe thermometer along with my Traeger’s thermometer to get used to it.

December 6, 2022
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Cooking Journey

Cooking Journey

A cooking journey for the past month. Beef shanks mid-November, Thanksgiving juicy tender brisket and smoked Turkey. Monday red pepper/honey wings.
Then reached into the freezer for vacuum packed pulled pork (tasted like I just cooked it after boiling the bag and opening)from February 2 2022 and made soup today with late squash and herbs from the garden. Perfect for the cold weather. Was feeling picky about what I wanted to eat.

This is a repost from my Facebook page to test my updated WordPress mobile app and site.

Beef shanks with vegetables.
Hot wings.
Vacuum sealed pulled pork.
Quick soup made from pulled pork.
Beef shanks on Traeger