July 29, 2021
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Massive Garden Produce Harvest for the Day

Massive Garden Produce Harvest for the Day

I had a massive harvest today partially due to not picking produce everyday for the past week. So much else has been popping up I got out of my routine. I didn’t want to pick items without being ready to do something with the produce and that caught up to me big time!

I ended up with huge zucchini squash hidden by the big leaves, tons of Early Girl, Beef Eater, lemon boy ,a few yellow plum, black plum, and husky red cherry tomatoes. Got some more huge jalapeno peppers, Serrano, Poblano, sweet orange peppers plus orange and red habanero peppers. I got some more Ichiban eggplants, cucumber and picked my first bunch of green beans.

After working around in the computer room all day I had neglected getting my dinner ready which was going to be a whole chicken so I did that on my Traeger smoker and then cut up some produce and grilled that on my gas grill. Basically cut up squash, jalapeno, habanero, eggplant, sweet orange peppers, tomatoes along with rosemary, sage, purple and sweet basil from the garden thrown together I just brushed them up with some balsamic vinegar and dressing, garlic, coarse kosher salt and pepper.

Though it was a late dinner it was tasty with some leftovers for tomorrow. Chicken was fall off the bone tender and still moist and the veggies nicely complemented each other with that roasted flavor. I stay up late a lot anyway so I still will not go to bed within 3 or 4 hours of eating.

Next figuring out my different methods of preserving which will include bagging, pureeing, freezing and maybe even canning. I seriously don’t have much space for storage anywhere now which will need to be resolved but I always find a solution!

July 29, 2021
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Updated Zoneminder/Plexmedia Server and Linux Workstation

Updated Zoneminder/Plexmedia Server and Linux Workstation

I made some changes on my Zoneminder server that also hosts Plex media server plus extended the drives on one of my virtual Plex media servers that also is a Salt master, plus had to extend my boot partition on my Linux workstation.

Linux workstation /boot Extension

First I decided to extend /boot on my recently re-installed Fedora 34 boot partition. During the re-install I didn’t notice that the /boot kept the older size of prior installs. Seems /boot needs more room these days so I decided to increase to 1gb from 265mb. You want contiguous space for /boot so the best bet is reinstall to keep that space from skipping all over the disk. This is not that big a deal for me especially on my Linux workstation as I always have a separate hard drive for my /home with all my environmental settings that I also backup to my NAS regularly. I even backup /etc to a directory in my /home so I can nitpick thinks like my PhpMyAdmin settings I have for various servers after a reinstall. Then my hard drive I can take the fastest 12gbs SAS or even and SSD to improve performance and then clone or just reinstall to my boot drive

In prep for the reinstall I made a list of all my packages in a file so that I could just get my repositories in place point to that file and do a reinstall. However I also like discovering new opensource software in Linux which is why I love using Linux so I also made a list of the repo and group install commands I used. This made the reinstall a breeze and took about 2 hours including making breakfast of potatoes, eggs, bacon and sausage in parallel and eating that breakfast.

I had a prior method of reinstalling packages but looked for a different method and went with what I found on this site to prep for reinstall: https://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/quickly-re-install-all-installed-apps-on-fedora/

rpm -qa | sort > ~/pkgs.txt
cd /home/backups/
touch fedora-app-re-installer.sh
echo '#!/bin/bash' > fedora-app-re-installer.sh
echo ' ' >> fedora-app-re-installer.sh
echo 'pkgs="' >> fedora-app-re-installer.sh
cat pkgs.txt >> fedora-app-re-installer.sh
echo '"' >> fedora-app-re-installer.sh
echo ' ' >> fedora-app-re-installer.sh
dnf groupinstall "KDE Plasma Workspaces" "Xfce Desktop" "Cinnamon Desktop" "MATE Desktop" "Development and Creative Workstation" "Firefox Web Browser" LibreOffice "3D Printing" "Basic Desktop" Cinnamon "FTP Server" "KDE Applications" "KDE Multimedia support" "KDE Office" "MATE Applications" MATE "MariaDB (MySQL) Database" "Office/Productivity" PHP "Basic Web Server" Xfce "Extra plugins for the Xfce panel" "Multimedia support for Xfce" "Xfce Office" "Graphical Internet" "KDE (K Desktop Environment)" "Games and Entertainment" "System Tools"

dnf install hplip-gui.x86_64 hplip-common.x86_64 hplip-libs.x86_64

dnf install meld
dnf install tali
dnf install skypeforlinux
 dnf install gimp
dnf install google-chrome
dnf install /home/<user>/Downloads/google-chrome/07-12-2021/google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm
dnf install chromium
dnf install evolution

dnf install https://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
dnf install https://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
dnf install https://mirrors.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm https://mirrors.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

dnf install \*-firmware
dnf install rpmfusion-nonfree-release-tainted
dnf install rpmfusion-free-release-tainted
dnf groupupdate sound-and-video
dnf groupupdate multimedia --setop="install_weak_deps=False" --exclude=PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin
dnf group update core

I ended up booting off a live Fedora 34 CD since I ran out of USB’s and the IPMI on this ASUS board doesn’t work as well as my ASrock board for my Windows system. I did a workstation reinstall creating my newly sized /boot partition. Mounted my /home and made an entry for it in /etc/fstab did a “mount -a” to test it. Then ran the “dnf” commands above and then did:“dnf install $pkgs’ >> fedora-app-re-installer.sh” but packages were already installed. Did some updates logged into my workstation with my username and it had all my prior settings as if I never left, except I had to redo my selinux policies I had in place from before and my workstation was up and running again. Nothing fancy just planning ahead which is what IT is all about.

Extend / Partition of XCP-ng Virtual System Hosting Salt and Plex server

I them tackled making my virtual system that hosted my Salt master and Plex media server instance a larger drive because when I went to update Plex it said it was out of space. Since it’s a virtual system and I have plenty of storage space I simply did the following:

  • shut the system down
  • extended the drive in XCP-ng.
  • Booted into the system went into fdisk created a new partition
  • rebooted the system
  • fdisk -l < confirmed drive device file
  • pvdisplay -v /dev/xvdb3
  • pvcreate /dev/xvdb3
  • vgdisplay -v
  • vgextend centos_smaster /dev/xvdb3
  • vgdisplay -v
  • lvextend -L 99G /dev/centos_smaster/root -r
  • df -kh
  • yum install /home/<user>Downloads/Plex/plexmediaserver-
  • systemctl status plexmediaserver.service

No big deal done in like 15 minutes going from 50gb to 100gb partition. Since I have so many movies and TV shows plus tons of music the Plex database is quite large and I don’t have time to prune it constantly. I could also have used the disk space created another directory and created a symbolic link to that file but this was cleaner.

Updating RAM on my Zoneminder and Plex Server on bl460c Gen 7 Blade

My Zoneminder after updating to 1.36 started having memory issues and camera streams kept stopping and starting. seems they made some improvements to capture more frames instead of skipping them. I’m not fully in tune with what hey did and I have other priorities now though I did try a lot of different buffer settings and finally ended up settling on “Maximum Image Buffer Size (Frames) =500” with my 49GB of RAM and 5 cameras that seemed to get me at a good place where everything was capturing all CCTV events plus camera streams were not stopping and starting as memory filled and was released.

I had contemplated throwing more memory at it since I could easily go up to 192GB on this bl460c gen7 blade of DDR3 RAM. Things looked rosy but I still wasn’t satisfied so I called up my local place to get surplus server equipment picked up 2 more 16gb ddr3 1333mhz ecc ram sticks and put them into the banks previously occupied by 8gb sticks, moved the 8gb sticks to the last banks occupied and now I’m at 80gb of RAM on this system.

After booting back up wow Zoneminder is running so smoothly now as it’s no longer writing to swap and staying only in RAM. I’m sure this will also help my main Plex Media server instance that runs on this system. This is also the system that used to hosts my ShoutCast and IceCast music relays. This is one reason I moved my music relays off of this system so that I could experiment more with improving my CCTV Zoneminder without affecting the music streaming of Snakceice’s House of Beats.

This is an example of how my system was swapping to disk and isn’t now:

[root@coral ~]# free -m
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:          48070       15207       29925         366        2937       31938
Swap:         13999        8739        5260

[root@coral ~]# free -m
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:          80262       10307       68450         231        1503       69004
Swap:         13999           0       13999

There were times before adjusting various buffer settings in Zoneminder that swap and memory were both near zero free when using unlimited for “Maximum Image Buffer Size (Frames) =500” or larger settings for that. Now my Zoneminder is so fast and I’m sure Plex will benefit as welI. I wish I had increased memory before. This may keep me from virtualizing Zoneminder anytime soon though . I will have to dive someday dive deeper into Zoneminder to make it more efficient so that I could virtualize it potentially. Currently I have spare blade servers for my HP C7000 so will go with this.

Just a sample of a few simple things I have done this week, nothing special just keeping the environment alive. I think recalling and writing this took longer. I am also doing a lot of work on my website on a new virtual server updating themes, database etc. plus doing syncs with my active websites. Fittingly the Michael Jackson son “Working Day and Night” just came on.

My Zoneminder/Plex bl460c g7 blade server blew dust out and put in new DDR3 ECC 2 x 16gb Ram sticks.

July 24, 2021
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Fedora Workstation Crashes Possibly Resolved/ Updates of XCP-ng Packages

Fedora Workstation Crashes Possibly Resolved/ Updates of XCP-ng Packages

Well my Fedora 33 workstation desktop kept freezing and crashing whether I used KDE Plasma, Cinnamon, MATE or Gnome desktop environments. I suspected my Nvidia Quadro K1200 drivers and wa going to really dive into that when I had time. I first updated to Fedora 34 which I wanted to do anyway and had the same issues so looking through the logs and then noticing some selinux alerts I simply ran the sealerts listed and created selinux policies and now my workstation’s desktop is noticeably more responsive and stable.

This is what I found in the logs:

SELinux is preventing gnome-shell from write access on the sock_file dbus-O849AHv64T.

Plugin catchall (100. confidence) suggests *

If you believe that gnome-shell should be allowed write access on the dbus-O849AHv64T sock_file by default.
Then you should report this as a bug.
You can generate a local policy module to allow this access.
allow this access for now by executing:

ausearch -c ‘gnome-shell’ –raw | audit2allow -M my-gnomeshell

semodule -X 300 -i my-gnomeshell.pp

Additional Information:
Source Context system_u:system_r:xdm_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023
Target Context system_u:object_r:tmp_t:s0
Target Objects dbus-O849AHv64T [ sock_file ]
Source gnome-shell
Source Path gnome-shell
Host mamba
Source RPM Packages
Target RPM Packages
SELinux Policy RPM selinux-policy-targeted-34.14-1.fc34.noarch
Local Policy RPM selinux-policy-targeted-34.14-1.fc34.noarch
Selinux Enabled True
Policy Type targeted
Enforcing Mode Enforcing
Host Name mamba
Platform Linux mamba 5.13.4-200.fc34.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jul
20 20:27:29 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64
Alert Count 223
First Seen 2021-07-12 22:03:50 PDT
Last Seen 2021-07-23 22:38:07 PDT
Local ID c4845b11-2638-4728-8e79-27e115f54210

Raw Audit Messages
type=AVC msg=audit(1627105087.981:551): avc: denied { write } for pid=27398 comm=”gsd-power” name=”dbus-O849AHv64T” dev=”tmpfs” ino=657 scontext=system_u:system_r:xdm_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 tcontext=system_u:object_r:tmp_t:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0

Hash: gnome-shell,xdm_t,tmp_t,sock_file,write

For this alert I simply followed directions after changing directories into my security folder I store my selinux policies and then ran:

# ausearch -c 'gnome-shell' --raw | audit2allow -M my-gnomeshell
semodule -i my-gnomeshell.pp

There appeared to be another sealert that I found that also affected my desktops stability and possibly spoke to issues with the Nvidia driver:

SELinux is preventing gdb from read access on the chr_file card1.

Plugin catchall (100. confidence) suggests *

If you believe that gdb should be allowed read access on the card1 chr_file by default.
Then you should report this as a bug.
You can generate a local policy module to allow this access.
allow this access for now by executing:

ausearch -c ‘gdb’ –raw | audit2allow -M my-gdb

semodule -X 300 -i my-gdb.pp

Additional Information:
Source Context system_u:system_r:abrt_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023
Target Context system_u:object_r:dri_device_t:s0
Target Objects card1 [ chr_file ]
Source gdb
Source Path gdb
Host mamba
Source RPM Packages
Target RPM Packages
SELinux Policy RPM selinux-policy-targeted-34.14-1.fc34.noarch
Local Policy RPM selinux-policy-targeted-34.14-1.fc34.noarch
Selinux Enabled True
Policy Type targeted
Enforcing Mode Enforcing
Host Name mamba
Platform Linux mamba 5.13.4-200.fc34.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jul
20 20:27:29 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64
Alert Count 384
First Seen 2021-07-12 22:04:07 PDT
Last Seen 2021-07-23 22:38:06 PDT
Local ID 88f4d8fa-ca05-404e-8449-bd42cfc3bedb

Raw Audit Messages
type=AVC msg=audit(1627105086.850:543): avc: denied { read } for pid=27221 comm=”gdb” name=”card1″ dev=”devtmpfs” ino=523 scontext=system_u:system_r:abrt_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 tcontext=system_u:object_r:dri_device_t:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=0

Hash: gdb,abrt_t,dri_device_t,chr_file,read

Once again I just followed the notice from selinux and ran the following:

ausearch -c 'gdb' --raw | audit2allow -M my-gdb
semodule -i my-gdb.pp

For the second alert addressing the “gdb” issue I discovered a number of people are having similar issues that are listed in bug alerts at Red Hat: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1896648

I decided to look up the first sealert as well and there are a numbr of bug listings for that as well plus a forum discusion I found: https://ask.fedoraproject.org/t/selinux-is-preventing-gnome-shell-from-write-access-on-the-sock-file-dbus-xodxlwour5/14515


I also went ahead migrated virtual systems from one XCP-ng to another updated both XCP-ng hosts hypervisor systems after the migrations and then moved the virtual systems back to their respective hosts after performing the updates on each physical host. During the migration of the relays server that brief microsecond may have affected people streaming Snakeice’s House of Beats without a media streaming player that buffers and does not attempt restarts after minor interruptions .. All in all a very productive morning now time for breakfast.

July 22, 2021
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Evening Workout Music Mixture

Evening Workout Music Mixture

Just sprinkling in a mix of music for a nice muddled workout. Artists like Original Concept, Nicki Minaj, Def Leppard, Michael Henderson, Michel’le, Polo G and then will go into some mellow sounds with artists like The Commodores, Sade, Dua Lipa with many more.

The usual mixture of different genres here at Snakeice’s House of Beats!

July 21, 2021
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Updated XCP-ng from 8.1 to 8.2

Updated XCP-ng from 8.1 to 8.2

I’m prepping to move the dhoytt.com web server to a different web server. So I decided to update the underlying hypervisor XCP-ng first.

First I migrated all of my virtual systems off of my slave Xcp-ng system then loaded the XCP-ng 8.2 ISO via ILO of my BL460c Gen 8 blade system, rebooted booted of the XCP-ng ISO, verified the XCP-ng and started the install.

The reasons I want to move the dhoytt.com web server to a new version of software was so that I could have the most recent versions of PHP and MariaDB without having to manually just update the packages or the repositories. I just want to use the OS’ current repositories for less work.

In doing the updates I updated my slave XCP-ng system first which is the incorrect procedure so I had a little downtime as I shutdown the VM’s on the master installed it and then brought my webserver and relay server back up after in updating the XCP-ng master server. Since I took down the relays for the streaming server I decided to update the W2019 server that hosts my music and then streams to my relay servers of IceCast and ShouCast which took me down quite a bit longer since the W2019 Data Center updates were large and took two reboots of my physical BL460c gen8 blade system.

Everything is up to the outside world after updating and rebooting my w2019 music server, relay server and web server but still have to get the slave in my XCP-ng pool correct since it was not showing the network properly because I updated it first. Even after updating the master of the XCP-ng pool then rebooting the slave it never picked up the networking information from the master of the XCP-ng pool. I restored the old 8.1.1 version of XCP-ng then perform the upgrade of the XCP-ng slave again and that failed as well. After trying a slew of things I finally just did a flat new install on the slave system, redid the networking and everything is solid again.

Next step create a new VM and make sure it has the correct versions of software and move the bits and about 7 databases running on the MariaDB instance over and start making some long needed changes to the site.

Just a curiosity note I did notice a brief microsecond loss of network connectivity from my relays when doing a live migration of the relay stream server that hosts IceCast and ShoutCast. I will investigate that at a later date if I remember. This is one reason I write to this blog as some historical reference and weird partial biography.

July 18, 2021
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Music Relays Operating on New Server

Music Relays Operating on New Server

The music relays of IceCast and ShoutCast are now operating on one of my my new virtual servers running Fedora 34. I created my firewall openings on my router and on the OS plus created new selinux policies for ShoutCast and IceCast. Tested connecting locally and remotely and everything looks good.

The Snakeice’s House of Beats streams are back up on the streaming relays!

July 18, 2021
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Moving Music Stream Relays to New Server

Moving Music Stream Relays to New Server

Moving my music streaming relays of IceCast and ShoutCast to a new server that’s dedicated and virtual. I was always planning on making this move but some memory leaks by another program has made it more critical. This is always my goal to make operations more modular. I can also clone this virtuals system for a backup very easily. I still need to point my firewall to the appropriate system and ports along with my streaming application so there will be a moment of no streaming music. I’ll post after all is up and running again.

July 14, 2021
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Mid-Morning System Updates

Mid-Morning System Updates

Had some critical system updates of my w2019 Data Center system that hosts my Sam Broadcasting system here from my home data center and decided to also update my Centos 8 Linux system and Centos 7 Linux web server.

The Centos 8 system hosts my IceCast and ShoutCast relays that you connect to when streaming the music from my W2019 system. The Centos 7 system of course houses my WordPress CMS system and a database that syncs with the w2019 system and then publishes information to that Snakeice House of Beats blog https://dhoytt.com/snake-ice-radio-blog/.

The Centos 8 Linux system also hosts my Zoneminder CCTV system which was also updates along with one of my Plex server instances.