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Updated XCP-ng from 8.1 to 8.2


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I’m prepping to move the web server to a different web server. So I decided to update the underlying hypervisor XCP-ng first.

First I migrated all of my virtual systems off of my slave Xcp-ng system then loaded the XCP-ng 8.2 ISO via ILO of my BL460c Gen 8 blade system, rebooted booted of the XCP-ng ISO, verified the XCP-ng and started the install.

The reasons I want to move the web server to a new version of software was so that I could have the most recent versions of PHP and MariaDB without having to manually just update the packages or the repositories. I just want to use the OS’ current repositories for less work.

In doing the updates I updated my slave XCP-ng system first which is the incorrect procedure so I had a little downtime as I shutdown the VM’s on the master installed it and then brought my webserver and relay server back up after in updating the XCP-ng master server. Since I took down the relays for the streaming server I decided to update the W2019 server that hosts my music and then streams to my relay servers of IceCast and ShouCast which took me down quite a bit longer since the W2019 Data Center updates were large and took two reboots of my physical BL460c gen8 blade system.

Everything is up to the outside world after updating and rebooting my w2019 music server, relay server and web server but still have to get the slave in my XCP-ng pool correct since it was not showing the network properly because I updated it first. Even after updating the master of the XCP-ng pool then rebooting the slave it never picked up the networking information from the master of the XCP-ng pool. I restored the old 8.1.1 version of XCP-ng then perform the upgrade of the XCP-ng slave again and that failed as well. After trying a slew of things I finally just did a flat new install on the slave system, redid the networking and everything is solid again.

Next step create a new VM and make sure it has the correct versions of software and move the bits and about 7 databases running on the MariaDB instance over and start making some long needed changes to the site.

Just a curiosity note I did notice a brief microsecond loss of network connectivity from my relays when doing a live migration of the relay stream server that hosts IceCast and ShoutCast. I will investigate that at a later date if I remember. This is one reason I write to this blog as some historical reference and weird partial biography.

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