July 23, 2019
by dhoytt
Comments Off on The Yard

The Yard

Finally got the front yard to an easier maintenance state. Pulled the weeds put down some more weed block, put in some coyote statues then layered in some black bark, then manicured the bushes and it’s looking much better.

I even had to fix this t-junction I happened to accidentally step on that feeds my front yard drip system.

July 9, 2019
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Pictures Tell the Story of Backyard Garden Improvements

Pictures Tell the Story of Backyard Garden Improvements

After coming back from overseas abruptly for personal reasons came back to an overgrown vegetable garden with ruined sprinklers. First I pulled the big weeds, then, repaired the drip system in the backyard, then watered a while used a semi-operational rototiller and a light weight tiller then raked weeds and roots that filled my green waste bin.

I then laid out some mature vegetables with a little top soil under and around the vegetables to form a top soil moat to allow the roots to grow and take hold quickly. Then placed the drips in more permanent positions.

During testing of the drip system that’s was damaged by people who were supposed to be taking care of my yard I noticed a leak spring up and became a mini-geyser I had no choice but to fix right away.

To get to the actual leak I went down about 2.5 feet deep and 3.5 feet wide plus 2 feet across. The soil was hard clay and roots some almost the diameter of pvc pipe then some like heavy wire every inch. A lot of roots were wrapped around the sprinkler pipes and valves so I had to use hand tools scrape away dirt, then make sure it wasn’t pipe or wiring from the sprinkler control unit. I even had to strategically cut roots as they had tension pulling every way on the pipes so if I cut one side the pipes or valves may get pulled and caused damage going the other way. Was slow going but got to the main issue in several hours.

Diagnosing the leak I found that I needed to replace some threaded 90 degree pvc joint leading to the sprinkler valve for my vegetable gardens. I have a total of 4 separate sprinkler zones one for drips in the front yard that came with the house I added to, my vegetable gardens in the backyard, grass strips in the backyard and one for potted/hanging plants in the backyard I have capped currently.

During this replacement of the piping I decided to replace the sprinkler valves with one that was easier to test with that had a handle you could get leverage on. The local big box hardware stores all had the same brands with small handles that over time and hard water make you place stress when testing. Plus they seem to not handle back flow well but they worked. I also decided to use a pipe union joint on both pipes in flow and out flow.

To avoid having to dig through clay soil and roots again I looked into a sprinkler valve box so I could leave the dirt out from around the sprinkler valves and pipes so they are easier to update or fix next time. Traditional valve covers didn’t work so finally got the idea to put a fake rock valve cover over the sprinkler valves. I then noticed my front sprinkler pipes were leaking badly before I could put execute my plan.

I then had to dig some more and then upon testing found the pipe adhesive on the angle pipes on the out flow had failed. These were done by the builder. I knocked off the old solvent, sanded by hand pipe and corner joint resealed.

I picked up some root block from a professional lawn care store I had found the traditional lawn valve covers that didn’t work for my situation.

Well the root blocks weren’t going to work either. So I just filled the bottom of the space of pipes with river rocks. Then to provide a base for my imitation granite rock sprinkler valve cover I inserted a 2 deep layer of concrete edge stones you would use for raised gardens to form a root block as well!

Now with work and other commitments this has taken parts of the last month. I basically finished this part of my project this weekend and vacation day from Wednesday to Monday by pulling weeds from vegetable gardens that newly popped up plus thorny weeds wit pick from my grass I had hired someone else to take care of while I was gone and power washing my concrete a second time from the dirt all this work produces.

All this time my 11kw solar system was also being worked on. Well the project is complete to get my sprinklers and yard into my normal acceptable range. Still work to do and the ever present maintenance. Plus some nice accents and finishing touches for later in the week. I have so much that needed to be done I’m sure I left out major steps.

That sums up only the outside around the house projects I of course have a bunch of other things going but wanted to document this.

Now pictures:

July 5, 2019
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Curio Shopping Gaming Chair and C7000 BladeSystem Buying

Curio Shopping Gaming Chair and C7000 BladeSystem Buying

Went looking for a corner curio almost bought it ended up with a gaming chair, HP C7000 Blade Chassis a couple of C7000 VC 10 GB modules and oh yeah an irrigation granite rock imitation valve cover!

Had 4 people help put the C7000 Chassis on my truck but only myself to take off my truck into the house and up a flight of stairs.

That’s right hundreds of pounds up the stairs by myself in pieces! Still the two main pieces were no joke and I walked the main chassis up one stair at a time after muscling it inside to the stairwell.

Here are the pics and I will start testing and playing with it soon!

June 14, 2019
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Apache not Reading php.ini Changes Configuring New Zoneminder Install

Apache not Reading php.ini Changes Configuring New Zoneminder Install

I wanted to setup some quick testing of Zoneminder on different platforms last night and started the basic configurations. Installed Fedora 30 , installed RpmFusion repository, installed mysql community database mariadb, Apache installed, install Zoneminder rpms using “dnf” etc..

Went through the initial steps with Zoneminder configurations opened up firewall ports then navigated to the initial web page and got the message:

ZoneMinder is not installed properly: php’s date.timezone is not set to a valid timezone”

Should be simple go into “/etc/php.ini” set date.timezone restart Apache/HTTPD and get past that message then get in and do the initial configurations within Zoneminder but that’s not what happened.

In “/etc/php.ini I set date.timezone to America/Los_Angeles restarted Apache with systemctl and no changes. Checked for typos and invisible characters in “/etc/php.ini” restarted and nothing changed again. I started checking permissions on web files, started looking through “/etc/http/conf.d/php.conf” check Zonemindr config files everything looks solid but I still get the “ZoneMinder is not installed properly: php’s date.timezone is not set to a valid timezone” message.

This is a minimal install and I’m very sure I only have one version of php and Apache. To confirm I run:

#php -i | grep timezone
Default timezone => America/Los_Angeles
date.timezone => America/Los_Angeles => America/Los_Angeles

This shows I have set my timezone parameters properly yet I still get the message “ZoneMinder is not installed properly: php’s date.timezone is not set to a valid timezone”

# php -i | grep -i config
Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /etc
Configuration File => /etc/php.ini
Openssl default
config => /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf

Once again looks good and proves I’m editing the only and correct php.ini file but this isn’t translating to Zoneminder I looked for overriding parameters not finding any.

I found many workarounds in forums like providing the date.timezone value in “/etc/http/conf.d/php.conf” or going into “/usr/share/zoneminder/www/index.php” and commenting out the code checking date.timezone for the Zoneminder application. I don’t want edits and hacks all over in non-default files because when updating or changing things these things may cause issues.

Finally I created a phpinfo web page navigate to it and date.timezone value is blank!! Doing “php -i” shows properly still!

#php -i | grep timezone
Default timezone => America/Los_Angeles
date.timezone => America/Los_Angeles => America/Los_Angeles

Ok so obviously php.ini isn’t passing the date.timezone parameter to Apache for some reason even though the phpinfo web page shows it’s using the “/etc/php.ini” configuration file for php!

I checked the current Zoneminder system and they are setup with Apache and PHP identically except the OS versions Fedora 28 versus Fedora 30 so I started searching for difference in the versions and found what I needed in the Fedora forums. FastCGI is now a required dependency for Apache/httpd via the “php-fpm” service.

#systemctl status php-fpm

php-fpm.service – The PHP FastCGI Process Manager

I noticedphp-fpm has not been restarted since I made my changes in “/etc/php.ini” so now I decide to restart “php-fpm” and the “ZoneMinder is not installed properly: php’s date.timezone is not set to a valid timezone” message is gone so now I can actually configure Zoneminder with my cameras!

Basically this is what’s needed to make sure your changes you make in /etc/php.ini are passed on to Apache in Fedora 30 and possibly other versions starting at Fedora 27 though I didn’t have this issue with Fedora 28 or I didn’t notice it for some reason:

#vi /etc/php-fpm.conf

Make this change:

date.timezone = America/Los_Angeles

# systemctl restart httpd

# systemctl restart php-fpm

Verify by creating a pphpinfo file and navigating to it

Contents of phpinfo.php:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>


#cat /var/www/html/phpinfo.php
<?php phpinfo(); ?>


Fedora forum posts that pointed me in the right direction:

https://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?317215-Apache-PHP-Configuration which referenced:


May 22, 2019
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Hump Day Evening Vibe

Hump Day Evening Vibe

Throwing a Hump Day vibe to energize to complete while doing evening chores then to chill while enjoying the California unusual cloudy weather.

Already threw out some Mistah F.A.B, Ja Rule I still have artists like Lakeside, Halestorm, City Girls, Rappin’ 4 Tay, Tim Bowman, Prince and that a Marley and that covers the genres and flow.

May 4, 2019
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Site Network Rework

Site Network Rework

Moving site back to ASUS RT-N66U old router after going to the Linksys 3200ACM that failed on me each time I went out of town leaving my sites, smart devices, cameras and other items unreachable through that route. I worked with Linksys support up to 3rd level and the only solutions they had for any issues was to delete my config and start over which I couldn’t do remotely and of course is not a long term solution and they hadn’t updated or implemented fixes since January 2018 and yes I could go Ddwrt which was a plan but I decided not on this Belkin product which bought out the Linksys name in 2013 I found out. This was the second time the Linksys router failed on me as this current router is and RMA brand new product for the prior router with same model that failed totally losing it’s configuration before!

Luckily I did have some remote capabilities through other routers and I was able to hop on to my servers via that route and switched over my dhoytt.com site and music server and point my DNS to another static IP about a month ago.

I then to alter routes on my W2012 media streaming server, my Linux Centos 7 music IceCast music relay server that also monitors many of my systems to properly get my music streams out. I had to open up ports through another router via my LAN once in to the static ip address I pointed my music streams and websites to. I then added a static route on the Linksys that had stopped communicating over the WAN but still had LAN connectivity to go through my camera server as it was straddling all my networks and was able to communicate to most of my smart devices.

I did have to take down temporarily my hoytt.biz site. I walked a friend of mind through connecting a network cable to a third NIC I had on my Zoneminder physical server I had setup to my camera network.

Now I came back home due to a family issue and during this time I’m also correcting my router remote access issues. First I of course removed the Linksys 3200ACM and purchased a new ASUS AC86U which pretty much worked well except had interference issues with my other routers and routes in the ares over wireless so after almost a week I took it back and I’m back on my old but reliable ASUS RT-N66U.

I moved all my routing on my servers back to the original networks and pointed my DNS for dhoytt.com to my prior static ip.address and brought back up hoytt.biz. All of my music server streams are as they originally were and connecting my smart devices back where they belong. This is why I go for dependability and not flash look at all this work I had to do, and I truly understated the amount of effort it took to do this remotely from a slow internet connection I had that would stall where I was half a world away.

So if you noticed any minor glitches this morning that was me switching things over to the way its been for the most part for many years concept wise save my constant upgrading and changing the underlying technologies. I also updated several of my servers OS. As DNS propagates there may be some minor connectivity but if you use FQDN instead of actual hard coded ip.addesses you should reach my sites just fine. There may be a few things I have missed but not bad for an hour or so of actual work. I may also still get a new router so still holding out for that but I want the best ROI.

March 10, 2019
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Sunday Monotony Killer Music Mix

Sunday Monotony Killer Music Mix

Doing some very monotonous tasks that need to be done but mind numbing and boring. This is all music from my den “Snakeice’s House of Beats”. That means all the infrastructure producing the musical stream and websites are on systems right in my personal computers on a on premises type cloud in my home that I have created from scratch on my personal property and I alone administer and support and customize the systems to my specifications network, hardware, software applications and storage is all my design and build specifications.

I do this for the experience of interacting with the various open source technologies that most people pay fees to have someone provide. Many people repackage and present this which is fine but I like providing the whole package otherwise its of no interest to me to have someone else host and do the work what am I learning and its not fun.

I like to reiterate this periodically as people ask questions. A select few understand (technology and why I do it) most don’t.

Anyhow this mix as most here even when I’m just relying on the scripts will be a special mix of various hand picked genres with a set of songs that at this point and time I want to hear and flow together. I can’t do just one genre I like several for my musical palate. They can be complex or simple but music I enjoy and hopefully you will as well.

I still have yet to incorporate some more Indies artists music that people have sent me lately and I will get you in the mix soon! Until then enjoy.

A few artist coming up are some you have heard of and maybe some you haven’t are Icey Jaye, Popcaan, C-Bo, Will Smith, Doug E. Fresh, Meyer Rossabi, Leon Bridges, Ellie Goulding and so many more from all eras and many genres.

February 27, 2019
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Midweek Blowing Out the Cobwebs Music

Midweek Blowing Out the Cobwebs Music

Sometimes you just need to let it go and let it out just for the heck of it, don’t be ashamed its is what its is and that’s what this set of music represents for the next several hours.

The music as always with Snakeice’s House of Beats will sample from all eras and Genres thus the name “Snakeice’s House of Beats Gumbo mix of Music”

Sounds from people like the Eagles, George Clinton, Too Short, Sia, Egyptian Lover, Red Cafe and much more.

Let’s get wild!!

February 21, 2019
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Newly Built Systems Come Back Quickly After Power Outage

Newly Built Systems Come Back Quickly After Power Outage

After a power outage just a few moments ago I think this is the fastest one of my virtual and NAS environments has ever recovered after booting up! No curruption to speak of and XCP-ng and FreeNAS recovered effortlessly!

Hopefully in the future my UPS can carry me a few moments more after I spread the loads out and continue to get get more efficient systems plus tune some systems for low power usage if possible. My Linux work station survives every power shutdown under 2 hours without powering off.