March 22, 2025
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Ducks on the Pool

Ducks on the Pool

These ducks have shown up a few times this time of the season the past several years. Have no idea how this got on their migration radar. Other pool owners in the area have similar occurrences.

Comes the same day I will be doing more chlorine to account for my garden dirt though.

March 16, 2025
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Smoked Leg of Lamb

Smoked Leg of Lamb

Smoked a leg of lamb Sunday and it was better than expected! Brined for about a week unexpectedly due to a busy schedule then slow smoked at 225 degrees Fahrenheit.

Covered with garlic and rosemary in ghee butter took it to 138 degrees. Was so tender and not gamey at all. Was like a prime rib roast of a veal .

I will be cooking a leg of lamb like this again for sure!

March 14, 2025
by dhoytt
Comments Off on March Rains Workout Beats

March Rains Workout Beats

Well what do we have here but another set of workout tunes for a Friday workout during some bad weather if your power is on! Forget this its not only for working out but just going around the house bumping the head and sliding around.

I like it wild quite a bit but its all mixed in there just to have fun but of course sometimes its just the beats, melodies that ignite that feeling then mixed in with the lyrics. Just about all genres and eras represented to let’s get to it.

Types of music represented folllow these artists EPMD, Nas, Luke Combs, Rihanna, Sexyy Red, Run DMC, Dead Daises etc..

February 1, 2025
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Some Nice Mixed Genre Mellow Type Songs

Some Nice Mixed Genre Mellow Type Songs

Here at Snakeice’s House of Beats the mixed genre mixes are the norm so I’m doing this one to enjoy what appears to be the fix of the issues I had earlier this week updating things.

Artists like Julian Lange, Linda Ronstadt, Jesse Lanza, D’Angelo, Simple Minds, just check in for a few mellow hours and kick back.

February 1, 2025
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Application Freezing Resolved for Now

Application Freezing Resolved for Now

That application freezing seems to be gone even after extended play of over 2.5 hours after my last change. Normally it shows up slightly in a half hour or less and gets wors as it moves on.

I had ruled out database versions as I tried MariaDB 10.5 and 11.6. I didn’t want to try 10.3 which is packaged with the application. I stayed with 10.5 just because that’s what I have been using the past few years and wanted to keep all my categories and changes I had made.

The fix seemed to be a complete uninstall. Before the uninstall I copied the data and program folders in place. Then uninstalled, started a new install, refused to install the packaged10.3 MariaDB DB, imported my music files.

When the SAM application came up all my encoders that convert the music to point to my relay servers were not in place and neither were the statistical relays or my categories of music. Now I shut down the application and database, then moved the copied data and program files back into place and started the DB, then the application.

Well, I should have gone to 11.6 as I ended up wiping out some of the database instance information anyway. I didn’t deem it important enough to restore it to an older date if I was able to mass load the album covers and track information from the songs I had properly tagged. Well, the mass loading of track information and album covers from those files worked and created the correct pointers in the database.

For now, I’ll monitor and take a backup of the MariaDB database instance and monitor the music and system performance.

February 1, 2025
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Working on Fine Tuning Windows Streaming Application

Working on Fine Tuning Windows Streaming Application

After making the updates earlier this week of the streaming application SAM Broadcaster I started experiencing some freezes. I have made some audio changes in the application since the freezes happened between music changes and cross fades.

 I also ran maintenance on the databases as well as switched between 2 different versions of the database which seemed to not matter.

I had also installed some Windows OS patches, so I installed and reinstalled them as well.

There are no definitive errors in any of the log files for the applications or Windows event logs. This is where I like Linux as you have the flexibility to try so much and can parse the log files so much better.

There are a lot of components to consider and besides freezing there are no obvious hard errors.  I need to find ways to turn on more debugging to get more verbose information.

I’ll keep monitoring to see if the changes help but it seems that as the app goes further without stopping it starts freezing more like it has some type of memory leak or similar issue.

I’ll get it worked out as I always do! Hang in there with me!

January 27, 2025
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Updated to Latest Broadcast Software other Items

Updated to Latest Broadcast Software other Items

Updated to the latest version of Sam Broadcaster yestreday and today did some cleanup re-adding the countdown script on the website.

I updated the Windows OS W2019 that SAM runs on. I then decided to update both of my Fedora Linux 41 relay servers the primary and backup. I noticed the primary VM I run on was running much faster with less CPUs and reduced the CPU’s of my secondary relay server to 2 CPUs. Seems like it was most likely wasting time handing processes off to the other CPUs instead of processing.

I also updated my Rocky Linux version 9.5 web server to the latest OS settings. I updated the WordPress plugins and themes also.

I have a few more tweaks to come but up and running having fun!

January 26, 2025
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Corrected ICecast Secure connection

Corrected ICecast Secure connection

I corrected the IceCast secure port going to port 8032 I had going to the backup server still where I wasn’t serving that up through my router. I now have it pointing to the new sever and it serves up the following secure IceCast connections securely:

ShoutCast has been working fine on port 8002:

December 21, 2024
by dhoytt
Comments Off on Housebound Winter Jams

Housebound Winter Jams

Housebound rearranging and getting rid of clutter and setting up a symphony of songs varying the tempo, genres and eras the way I normally would!

Who may be coming or have already gone through this mix you ask, well artist like 2 Live Crew, Bobby Womack, Jimi Hendrix, Kendrick Lamar, Ella Mai, Gunna, Cecile, Olivia Rodrigo, Huey Lewis and the News, The Dazz Band and many more of all those and other genres.