November 30, 2024
by dhoytt
Comments Off on System Running on different original Relay Server
I was doing system maintenance of updating my System OS security patches of the system I source the music from earlier today and decided to point the source to the original stream relay server I had upgraded to the most recent release of Fedora yesterday jumping several OS versions. This way I could stay updated on the latest security updates.
I tried going from Fedora to Rocky Linux so I wouldn’t have to keep making these OS updates to keep up with security patches. Fedora is bleeding edge and updates to a new OS version every 6 months and maintains updates for only 3 versions so about 1.5 years, that goes quickly. Then its time to update the OS again. With Rocky Linux they have 10 years of updates.
I think I will still eventually go to Rocky Linux but it will take more work since I need to compile the source and investigate the dependencies a little more. Once I get that solid I’ll get it working and the clone that server to have a backup.
The OS update on the source server went fine. The server I stream the music to from my source server that takes it to the internet I put in place required quite a few items like, updating secure tunnel with a new certificate, ensure I had the correct ports still opened on that server so I could update my router to stream from the different server. Then had to change the system the application encoders were pointing to on the source system I updated the security OS patches on. I still had issues and couldn’t stream to the internet but the local connection was working and it was updating the external directories of IceCast and ShoutCast across the internet. Just couldn’t stream!
Updating to this point to what was my original music streaming IceCast and ShoutCast server, then flipping back from my backup streaming server took a lot of re-integration as it was. I decided to point back to the backup stream relay server that I use ShoutCast and IceCast streamers to reach out to the internet and troubleshoot the issues going to my original server. Finally noticed that the server I was switching to was taking a lot of network hops to get to my site which is right there on my router. Looked at the internal routes of my network interfaces on my system and they were not correct. NetworkManager was again the culprit and twisted everything going from Fedora 38 to Fedora 41. A while ago I had gone from Fedora 34 to 38 and the same thing happened but I never corrected it. I decided to run errands, eat, did stuff around the house. watched a little TV and decided to give this another shot tonight.
I just need to get familiar with NetworkManager. The familar ifcfg scripts we could update files make copies edited etc. NetworkManager has some of that. The thing I don’t like about NetworkManager on servers is it tries to control items by default like names of interfaces, move mac\hardware addresses around etc that you don’t mind on a laptop but not a server that needs to communicate with many other end points.
Anyway I found a parameter to stop some of the automatic items NetworkManager tried to control and then manually made edits correcting what my default interfaces were, which interfaces have priority and the routes fell in place.
Then pointed the ports back from the source back to the different but original streaming server that hosts my IceCast and ShoutCast streams. Had a few other items that I needed to fix and here we are back streaming music over the internet again!
Getting dingy from all the troubleshooting I’ll come back to edit later, maybe.