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Fixed Windows Encoder Issue Can Listen With Windows Media Player

Fixed Windows Encoder Issue Can Listen With Windows Media Player

Well I fixed an issue I had not known existed because I had not been doing my due diligence in monitoring certain elements lately. The windows media encoder had crashed and then disappeared on my music server when I upgraded and I usually monitor with Shoutcast enabled media players so I didn’t notice the issue with the Windows media encoder since I seldom listen and monitor with the Windows Media player.

Anyway just click on the link on the page @ that says  Windows Media Player Auto Adjust to Internet Speed it will determine your connection speed and adjust appropriately. Sorry for this inconvenience and oversight.
 You can alternately click on the media player iconwmp.jpg.
When the message asking to launch Windows Media player comes up:
Choose “Launch Application” and Windows Media player will start streaming whatever is playing on “Snakeice’s House of Beats“:
You’ll notice in the bottom left corner it will first show buffering and then start playing the music then scroll the song being played information & station id.
Sit back and enjoy the music. Also if you have Windows Media Player already up you can right click on the top portion of the Windows Media Player -> <Click on> “File” -> Then <Click on> “Open URL”:
windows-media-player-launched-open-url.JPGThe next step is to enter in the in the path to the music “mms://” in the dialogue box:
There you have it another way to listen with Windows Media Player. I’ll at some point spruce this up and add it to the F.A.Q section along with a video and a step by step on how to use other popular media players to listen to the “Snakeice House of Beats” show.
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Music Server Back in Action

I’m done with updating my music streaming software and my OS on my music server.
I first needed to back up the Mysql database that my music software uses in both online that captures the InnodeDB logs and normal mode.
Made sure I had my licenses handy just in case things went really bad and then began the update of the music software and then the OS.
Looks like everything went smooth and I had no need for the backups but I will always do those backups before some type of update like this.
Well the major wind on the updating of my music streaming software is improved encoding & sound for the Windows media player and it also offers “mp3 LAME” which I’m not using currently but may try at a later date if I think it will improve things or maybe just because its “open source”
For now everything looks to be up and running my music!