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Garden Hitting Stride and Incorporating More Garden Produce in Breakfast


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The garden is starting to produce with all plants getting produce I can harvest. The Husky Red Cherry Tomatoes and Early Girl tomatoes have already been producing like crazy along with my mint, Swiss Chard, Sweet and Thai basil along with rosemary.

Joining in producing now are raspberries, sweet peppers, Havasu peppers and Mexican Tarragon.

Joining the fun in the next days or week are squash, Serrano peppers, Habanero peppers, Yellow Pear tomatoes, and Beef Eater tomatoes.

Late to the party will be the eggplants, Big Boy tomatoes, watermelon and some items I haven’t planted yet like bush beans and mesclun mix of lettuce.

For breakfast I wanted to start thinking of different ways to incorporate my garden vegetables. Without totally breaking breakfast habits I decided to add a side of tomatoes cooked on a higher heat in a skillet almost toasting it with rosemary, tarragon mixed with olive oil topped with Parmesan cheese after cooking with a side of raspberries. I will put squash in the mix later when it starts producing. I still cook the veggies and herbs into my eggs making omelettes when I have them as well. Now I’m not waiting until lunch or dinner to taste items from the garden.

South side of Garden
North Side of garden
Squash starting to grow.
More squash starting growth spurt.
Serranto peppers ready to break out
Nice Havasu pepper
Sweet and Purple basil that came up from prior years seeds. These aren’t the one that have been producing.
Big Boy tomatoes getting started.
You see some rosemary real close as well.
Sweet peppers giving large amounts of produce.
Breakfast with garden vegetables
Dinner last night with garden vegetables

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