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2021 Vegetable Garden Comes out of Cocoon


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Off to a later start than I would have liked for my vegetable garden but hey a lot’s going on right now but it has started! Friday I took stock of what was needed and formulated a plan, Friday night right after work checked my rototiller and it was pouring gas out after putting some gas in it out of the carburetor it so I called my small engine guy Paul, sent a short video clip and photo of the issue and he had me take it to him. The next morning he had the gaskets replaced, a new bulb and idle spring and the rototiller was ready to go.

I picked up the rototiller Saturday, got some top soil at my garden spot called Longers, they didn’t have mulch unfortunately. I then set out pulling the grass, weeds and mint that had overtaken the garden by hand, getting as much as I could by the root and filling my garden waste receptacle. I then took my drip system out of the garden and started my newly repaired rototiller and hit both sides of the garden.

I had a zoom meeting event for the memorial of Christs death and then went and did some on call work and then replace d the heatsinks on one of my Blade Servers.

Sunday I slept in a bit relaxed went got some mulch, pulled a bunch of weeds and rototilled some more to chop up and roots or vegetation left left and raked out what I could and dug down really deep to get some roots and pull roots along the edges of my pavers that contain my garden. I then took the wheelbarrow and moved the yard of top soil from my truck to my gardens and moved the mulch in place.

Monday after work I worked the top soil and mulch into the garden making sure it was thoroughly mixed down to about 1.5 feet at least and then did some rough leveling with the garden rake.

Tonight I did more leveling of the dirt put some rows in hooked up my drip system tested and then put in the handful of vegetables I had obtained. I put in mature beef eater and husky cherry tomatoes, pint sized Early girl tomato plant, small eggplant, purple and sweet basil, tarragon, habanero and jalapeno peppers, zucchini squash, Swiss chard. I left in place 2 really nice looking rosemary plants, my Thai basil bush pared down and some Swiss chard. Almost forgot I have my ever present, the past 8 years or so since I have forgotten when I planted them, grape and raspberry vines in the back of the garden on the west side of the yard.

Here are the pictures with my progress until now the past few days.

Overgrown east side of vegetable garden start 2021.
Overgrown west side of vegetable garden start 2021.
After pulling weeds west side of vegetable garden start 2021.
After pulling weeds east side of garden start 2021.
Pepper plant I may try to replant later in 2021.
First hit of rototiller west side of 2021 vegetable garden as well as drip system in foreground plus Thai basil bush front of garden and grape vines and raspberry vines in back of the garden. You can barely see some rosemary to the right.
First hit of rototiller east side of 2021 vegetable garden. Anoter rosemary plant to the left and Swiss chard to the left.
Here’s a look after the top soil and mulch was mixed in with the rototiller on west side of the garden.
Here’s a look after the top soil and mulch was mixed in with the rototiller on east side of the garden.
Tonight after a bit more leveling of soil creating rows, putting in drip system and vegetable on the west side of the 2021 vegetable garden.
Tonight after a bit more leveling of soil creating rows, putting in drip system and vegetable on the east side of the 2021 vegetable garden

I still have some cleanup to do and then I will power wash my concrete and be set for a while as I incorporate more vegetables including some seeds.

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