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Work On Site This past Week


Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-favorite-posts-extended/wp-favorite-posts.php on line 467

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-favorite-posts-extended/wp-favorite-posts.php on line 467

As I was migrating data from one NAS to another this week my XenServer pool master had a memory failure while I was away at work. Well after isolating the DIMM with the issue I also had to go in and change the bios settings for the fans. I noticed that the IPMI log files had numerous references to the fans and noted not all internal fans were  set at optimal server fan settings.

Once I had the XenServer back in the rack cabled up it I could not see it boot up and had to switch it to another port on the KVM to see it boot and make subsequent updates. I’ll have to test the KVM port later but I suspect all is okay since other ports on that KVM are fine and it’s connected with my other KVM that also works fine. The other issue that manifested itself was that the XenServer that had the  memory issue could no longer see storage from the NAS system I was moving the data off of.

I ended up doing the following to get my storage seen on my XenServer host that had the memory error:

  • Switched XenServer pool masters
    • xe host-list    <— Get UUID of =desired new XenServer pool master
    • xe pool-designate-new-master host-uuid=<UUID-XenServer-host-new-pool-master>
  • Created a new iSCSI volume in FreeNAS.
  • Created new SR in XenServer pool.
  • Performed Full Copy of critical VM’s to other NAS storage through XenServer
  • Exported critical VM’s to workstation in OVF format for another bbackup
  • Brought up site on copy of VM on desired NAS storage
  • Updated FreeNAS NASto new version.
  • Detached storage from XenServer that had bad PBD plugins to the NAS I was moving data off for update.
  • Added detached storage successfully back into XenServer


I still want to reconfigure my NAS storage to make it more efficient and still have a lot of work to be done still configuring my applications that serve up my website. I just performed OS updates of the VM I have the site on and noticed Xen library updates which I hope helps in Fedora. I notice Centos behaves a little better in XenServer environment so I may switch this site to a Centos VM.

Ahh well time for a late breakfast!

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