Calironia State Fair


I went to the California State Fair today. I finally got to see the pig races I have always heard about. Pretty funny they also had goat races. One of the goats jumped the rail and took a shortcut across the field of the little track they had, I think the goat was cheating. All this was very cool.
The fair closed early today at 9pm when it normally shuts down at 11pm. the reason for this as some friends found when they asked security was that they felt that since black culture day had been canceled in favor of multi-culture day that people would riot!! My friends thought this was very small minded of the organizers to bend to this level of thinking, my friends were a mix, Caucasian, Asian and Hispanic. I think it’s typical from my recent court experiences and my general experiences of life.
Walking back to go home they had groups of riot police in the malls and around the fair. I even passed one group of police officers who were holed up in the fire department say let’s get out the street we are supposed to be out of site of the public. They even had some community chaplain at the main entrance what BS. Nobody actually appeared to be concerned with anyone’s well being in the real sense, what I saw was veiled posturing these people are so stilted in their perceptions and ability to think beyond their preconceived ideas.
There are some very ignorant people in life and a lot of them are educated. Knowledge is one thing but application of knowledge and wisdom seem in very short supply. Intelligence beyond the basics is the ability to think and function in the unfamiliar and figure the unfamiliar plus the application of your knowledge correctly.
Most people I found in the legal system don’t do this well. Sadly most cannot see past their nose. They have procedure and nice sounding words but this seems to occupy the mental space of logic and wisdom. The worst part is people we let them. I always hear, “well I don’t know who is right”. All you have to do is ask the simple questions this is why we are supposed to rely on facts not emotional irrational appeals. Hitler ruled because of his appeal to these irrational emotions, blind patriotism, and divisiveness, people didn’t know who to believe and he came to power. People have to understand you do not have to be a leader of a country to perform atrocities or take away peoples rights you just have to get people to think and not act because they don’t use logic of facts in front of them and “they don’t know who to believe”.
Oh pictures of stuffed animals from the fair:

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