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Back Streaming Sounds More Fine Tuning to Come

Well back up and running again streaming music from my new W2019 server on my bl460c gen7 c7000 blade which has a healthy 32gb of RAM and 10gbe infrastructure internally until it hits my router going out to the world then my speed is just 1gb to all of you.. I moved to having ShoutCast 2.5.1 on my new Centos 8 Linux server run with systemd that is also a bl460c gen7 blade system, with the latest IceCast relays 2.4.4 running on that server as well which I already runs under systemd since IceCast is in the Linux repositories.

The reason I now have ShoutCast running on Linux at this time is I ran into a surprise trying to go to the latest version of ShoutCast 2.6.0 running from my Windows server as I have for years. My 192kbps and 320kbps kept getting the errors about the stream having network issues and in the Windows event logs saying “Frame settings changed could cause playback problems..”. The 128kbps and 64kbps ShoutCast encoders were playing fine and so were the IceCast encoders and relays. All ShoutCast relays played over the same ShoutCast instance so that error was especially strange.

After digging around on various forums I found on Winamp\Shoutcast that Shoutcast the company had indeed disabled the bit rates above 128kbps in the Shoutcast server software unless you were using their streaming services! Well a huge part of this is to learn and keep my skills up by doing things myself and I don’t want or need to use others streaming services. I’ll give specific steps I took later as its time to hit the bed.

Looks like I need to also get paths straight to where some of my music resides as I had 2 separate drives on the other server with music. I’ll be doing some tuning up on issues like that along with picture files plus more of the background items I performed.
