I added some new tracks to the mix. I was able get some older tracks digitized along with the current tracks in the mix.
Quite a few tracks that were only in 12″ vinyl I now have digitized in the mix. I have a ton of music on vinyl that was not played on popular radio if played on radio at all and not just because of content. This music is from when Hip-Hop was truly an almost all underground experience. You truly had to be into Hip-hop to have even heard some of these cuts when they first came out.
I won’t list them now …time to head for bed and get some sleep.
I am also experimenting with some more flexible ways to broadcast the music that will let all you in the UNIX & Linux community use those audio tools and give windows users a selection of audio tools to choose from. I will also be able to get some live air time and real time mixes on the air.
Right now I totally tore down my computer room and reconfigured the room twice in the past month! Moving my computer room around is quite a feat if you know me or have seen my computer room. I think I like the current configuration of my room. I should now have the comfort to concentrate on the site and the music more comfortably. I have the computer room plus other remodeling and personal chores I will go into more detail later this evening on my “Main Blog” for this site: http://www.dhoytt.com/mainblog/

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