Incompetent Weak Minded People


Why do people who are incompetent and weak minded think that others are afflicted with the same issues and feel others will respond as they will? They try pop psychology and are so far off based its laughable! They never just can do their job better and elevate their work but try to bring you to their level or distract. DAMNED I hate incompetents!!
They also think that just because you are not bitching moaning or complaining that you have it easy. S#$T anyone can make something look difficult true talent and preparation makes things look easy.
Just like people who think that just because you can use Excel or Word you can program or work in IT! They never consider what makes things tick even making the mouse move takes a book of instructions if printed out but people in this category don’t realize this.
Peace! Just a need to preach again!!! πŸ™‚
Oh this is concerning a side venture, in case you are wondering πŸ˜‰

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