March 27, 2016
by dhoytt

Darryl Hoytt 2016 Vegetable Garden Open for Business

Well this year’s vegetable garden is ready for business and as of now looks pretty good with some starter vegetables some new and some transplants from last year. The transplants from last year are the Swiss chard and chives, rosemary … Continue reading

August 23, 2015
by dhoytt

Some Vegetable Garden Weekend Work

I cleaned up the front yard and did some work in the backyard and the vegetable gardens in the backyard as well. I’m getting ready for the late season for when it starts to cool a bit and some vegetables … Continue reading

March 31, 2015
by dhoytt

Backyard in Shape for Spring & Tackled Front Yard

In the backyard I am pretty much finished with spring cleanup and initial planting and this past weekend was dedicated to cleanup in the backyard, the front yard I did some trimming and planted a few more flowers and put … Continue reading

March 22, 2015
by dhoytt

Started 2015 Vegetable Garden Officially

The vegetable garden is officially kicked off now that I have turned over the soil with the rototiller which is always my official demarcation point for the start of my veggie garden! I was able to get all my vegetables … Continue reading