Manic Sunday, Black Eyed Peas & Greens


After staying up till 4am watching the Olympics got up at 9am and started doing things around the house.
Went over my parents and showed my pressure washed concrete for my dad or tried everyone had to take a turn and left with my dad to play with later.
He made some tasty black eyed peas, greens (collard, mustard & turnip with okra), crackled cornbread, and potato salad and neck bones. Damned that was good!!! I know where I’m going for lunch and dinner this week!
Then had to come back and battle the worms going around the internet in the computer world. I updated viruses and patches for my windows systems. I also closed up some ports I had opened in my routers.
I had a new system I brought online that I had not uncharacteristically had not updated any patches on or placed virus software on, usually the first application I install on a windows system! Oh well getting it taken care of!

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