Every year this time of the year I wage a battle against mint plants over running my garden. This year I have pledged to make better use of everything in my garden including these mint pants that will not go away. Before I would include them in some alcoholic beverages an that’s it Well this year I have started making tea with them and the tea is very tasty with a dash of sugar or better yet local honey. I even think its helping me with my allergies but we will wait for that definitive declaration!
Here is the runaway plants now that never die off over the winter they just don’t spread over night like they do in the warmer months like now You can also see below that my swiss chard, mustard and collard greens did very well over the winter. I will soon uproot and replant these plants after I turn the soil with a rototiller and start incorporating other plants into the garden this year
Above is the runaway mint plants with tea I brewed. The tea color is light but the flavor is very full and strong!
One bunch of mustard greens, swis chard, collards and mustard greens on the other side of the garden.