Incompetence & Fear Epidemic


Why does it seem as I go along I run into more people who are incompetent and fearful of BS? The sad thing is that this behavior is accepted and condoned, people are so used to making excuses for their poor behavior and incompetence its become accepted. Then on the fear tip people fear what will happen if they lose this job or if people think of them in this manner when it freaking doesn’t matter in most cases!
Then people will carry out some elaborate façade when their incompetence is brought to attention instead of correcting the issue like a strong person of character will do as if no one can tell.
First let’s define incompetence. Incompetence to me is a desired state based on the fact that the incompetent person instead of correcting the issues that typical human imperfection may have caused lack the growth of person and character blame someone else or pretend it didn’t happen. You see this all the time in politics, all sides of legal issues, corporations, government, personal relationships, entertainment, basically all phases of life. People want to belong so bad they are concerned with image more than reality. This has become a basic way of doing business and conducting legal and personal issues.
I’m not talking about typical imperfect human behavior I’m talking about people who are more concerned about image even when they are wrong. They think their thinking is sophisticated and people who don’t believe like they are don’t understand or are naive when they are the ones playing themselves. People press their values on you or what their narrow minds believe your values are and they are so far off in my case in most cases I don’t even give them conversation on their points since they are so off based.
This incompetence breeds fear. People fear portraying an image that is unpopular they compromise themselves about minor issues everyday and don’t realize it.
I make decent money so what if when I go out I people think I’m poor hell with all the bills maybe I am poor. Yet some people will pour their last dime into clothes, cars so people that have no influence on their lives will think they are the S@$%t. People believe if they dress a certain way people will respect them and that’s true but who are the people giving the respect? Maybe that’s the California west coast in me. I like dressing up and there are occasions to do that but some people take it too far.
Anyway just some stuff to think about take it for what you like but history will look at this time period and will not be favorable. Sure we have more technology than ever before but 100 years ago was the height of the technology ever seen in the world. When they had the witch hunts in Salem they never envisioned that there would be a time when people would be more technically advanced or enlightened.
Even if anyone reads this whole thing only a few who know me will understand the concept, you have to go deeper than the words. Only a few people who know me understand what I mean by that. When you talk with me if you rely on standard thoughts & cliché’s and don’t concentrate on the actual thoughts expressed you will be lost.
Cool enough I will keep most things on the shallow tip for ya from here out.

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