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Wild Style Wednesday Evening Gym Banging A$$ Beats

Getting back into that work groove I have had all my life and bringing on the wild & crazy beats I had when I used to work out in my garage a few years back. The only difference is that you can listen in with me!

Actually even back then even though I wasn’t going to the gym but in my first house you could listen too! This time I will be listening remotely on my mobile though using XiaLaive. Just tuned in @ dhoytt.com:8000/128kbps.

You can listen in on any of these links in a Shoutcast capable player like VLC or Winamp:

” http://dhoytt.com:8000/32kbps ”   32kbps

      ” http://dhoytt.com:8000/128kbps ” 128kbps

      ” http://dhoytt.com:8000/160kbps ” 160kbps

      ” http://dhoytt.com:8000/320kbps ”  320kbps

  ” mms://dhoytt.com:3690/listen.pls ”     Windows media will connect @ 32kbps, 128kbps,160kbps, 320kbps

      You can cut and paste the above links between the quotes into a browser and they will pull up your audio player, enter the links into your player or click on one of the players or links on the site @ http://www.dhoytt.com/snake-ice-radio-blog/ .

      When I listen at home I listen to 320kbps and when at the gym listening on my mobile phone I listen using 128kbps using Winamp mobile, VLC or Xia Live. In areas where reception is not good I do 32kbps.

Tonight I have some AMG, RunDMC, Coolio, Marilyn Manson,  Digital Underground, The Mossie, Five Finger Death Punch & more.

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