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Early Spring Night Slow Jams In the Winter

The groundhog said there will ba an early spring so  to increase that swell of good will I am going to pump out some smooth sounds to help bring on the rush of sprint time weather!

Bringing it with a little Al Green, George Benson, Richard Elliot, Vanessa Williams, Linda Ronstadt, Rufus & Chaka Khan, Trey Songz, Melody Garbot, Tony Bennet and so many more….

Oh yeah its already started so just tune in….

      You can listen at the following bit rates with Shoutcast supported audio players (I use Winamp or  VLC) :

      ” http://dhoytt.com:8000/32kbps ”   32kbps

      ” http://dhoytt.com:8000/128kbps ” 128kbps

      ” http://dhoytt.com:8000/160kbps ” 160kbps

      ” http://dhoytt.com:8000/320kbps ”  320kbps


Some audio software/streamers/players tend to want you to listen in this format:

      ” http://dhoytt.com:8000/listen.pls?sid=4 ” 32kbps

      ” http://dhoytt.com:8000/listen.pls?sid=3 ”     128kbps

Vanessa Williams

Cover of Vanessa Williams

      ” http://dhoytt.com:8000/listen.pls?sid=2 ” 160kbps

      ” http://dhoytt.com:8000/listen.pls?sid=1 ”    320kbps


      ” mms://dhoytt.com:3690/listen.pls ”     Windows media will connect @ 32kbps, 128kbps,160kbps, 320kbps


      You can cut and paste the above links between the quotes into a browser and they will pull up your audio player, enter the links into your player or click on one of the players or links on the site @ http://www.dhoytt.com/snake-ice-radio-blog/ .


      When I listen at home I listen to 320kbps and when at the gym listening on my mobile phone I listen using 128kbps using Winamp mobile, VLC or Xia Live. In areas where reception is not good I do 32kbps.

Hummin' to Myself (Linda Ronstadt album)

Hummin’ to Myself (Linda Ronstadt album) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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