Performed updates to streaming application host W2019 server and Fedora relay server of ShoutCast and IceCast.
Tag: system reboot security updates music server
I did some updates to the streaming system and relay system for the House of beats as mentioned elsewhere on my site :
Rebooting my Centos 8 Linux system that feeds audio streaming relays and the streams will be down temporarily about 30 minutes at the longest. You can continue listening by clicking on the link below or putting this in your media player Network Stream area or,any&br=128000,any&m=m3u
Performed some OS updates on the system that hosts the music and pushes it to my relays for listening pleasure back up and and streaming in a few moments.
Installed OS security system updates and performed a system reboot a few times and now back up and streaming music!
Apologies for the brief music stream interruption but installing some security updates on the w2012 r2 streaming server and will be back in a few minutes. My Centos 7 web server will be up still. I decided to update my Centos 7 monitoring server that also acts as IceCast relay since the streaming server will […]
Installing security updates on music server that required a reboot of the server but the music will be up and streaming in a moment.