You know I had to throw a nice slow set tonight.
Year: 2006
Music server is back up and playing the music, killing the silence a DJ hates.
I’m performing some OS updates and then some song updates on the music server.
Smoothing it out for an hour or more strictly on the laid back tip.
Another weekend of not partying but staying busy trying to get the side business lined up and ready. I’m kicking out a set of mellow beats with you as I wind down for the evening Snakeice style BABY!!
I have been going full throttle doing things around the house and running errands since getting off of work and its time to chill with you and some mellow tunes.
Rain swelling from the puffy clouds and streaming down the gutters while the thunder hits between the parted wet clouds throwing lightening all over and mingling with the moist earth, all this to the slow mellow rough beats of Snakeice
Stringing together another set of wild beats and tunes for and hour or two this evening. The normal set of music is just as tasty of a flavor when shuffled but when I’m live setting up beats I’m just feeling the flow as much as possible.
If you listened to this 3 hour plus set of music thank you and stay tuned to my normal set of music a hard mellow and everything in between randomized mixed genre set of music. I get in and start putting together certain sets of music during specific times of the day. Usually I set […]
A set of music in support of Martin Luther King’s and other’s ideas of not only peace but change for the better not just to do something different. He wasn’t killed for being Mr. Nice guy going along with the system if its BS. So yes in the spirit of Snakeice’s streaming music show we […]